The Real Reasons are Hidden Underneath Often what we understand “by default” isn’t the real reason behind a lot of everyday activities. Hidden motivations are lurking beneath the superficial reasoning.
The Problem is Not the Problem A lot of us waste our time worrying about specific problems — how to deliver a project, how to get funding, how to crack an interview — whereas the real problem is we don’t know how to think about the problem correctly.
The Perks of Being a Late Bloomer Most of us aren’t very good at what we do because we settle too early. And once we settle, we don’t switch. That’s not really a smart way to make a career, or in better words, find your calling.
Metalearning: The Essential First Step of Learning That Nobody Taught You Metalearning is the process of figuring out how to learn a particular subject based on how knowledge is structured and organised. If learning was a building, metalearning helps you figure out how to reach the top floor—whether to take the stairs, or the elevator, or scale the walls like Spider-Man.
Antilibrary: Why What You Don’t Know is More Valuable Than What You Know An antilibrary—the unread books in our collection—represents what we don’t know. It’s a reminder of our ignorance. It’s a delineation of the fact that even if we pursue knowledge for the next 100 years, we won’t be able to know everything there is to know. In fact, not even a tiny fraction of it.
If You Are Not Writing, You Are Not Thinking No matter which field you belong, few exercises help clarify your thoughts better than writing. Writing is the ultimate test of whether your thoughts make sense, or are merely unstructured feelings. Writing is the best way to question your notions and opinions in order to make them stronger.
Desirable Difficulties: Why Effective Learning is Full of Mental Struggle And Frustration The way schools teach is very archaic. It might have worked fifty years ago these days the jobs that have the most impact require us to be able to solve unexpected problems. School education has got a lot of catching up to do in that respect.
Where Do I Begin? Before starting to learn something, you hunt for the best book, the best blog post, the best video, the best tutorial, the best online class before you even begin to learn. This method is flawed!