The Problem With Too Much Logic It doesn’t pay to be logical if everyone else is also being logical. Conventional logic is a straightforward mental process that is equally available to all and will therefore get you the same place (and same life partner) as everyone else.
The Problem with Too Much Fairness We care so much about fairness that we are willing to sacrifice economic well-being to enforce it. Research shows that just to ensure shirkers get what they deserve, we are prepared to make ourselves poorer.
Societal Mass: Why Harmful Things Stay On Despite being absolved of all responsibility, absinthe was outlawed and remains unobtainable in many liquor stores, whereas lead, known to be poisonous for over 2000 years is still being readily used. Why?
What Games are You Playing? We call everyone who invests money “investors” like they are cricket players. When you realise how wrong that notion is, you see how vital it is to identify what game you’re playing.
Inside View: Why This Time It’s NOT Going to be Different We focus on a problem by using information that is close at hand. We make predictions based on our unique set of inputs. The more closely we know a problem, the more confident we are. This is wrong!
Pavlovian Conditioning: Understanding Coca-Cola’s Brand Strategy In Pavlovian conditioning powerful effects come from mere association. The neural system of Pavlov’s dog causes it to salivate at the bell it can’t eat. And the brain of man yearns for the type of beverage held by the pretty woman he can’t have.
Halo Effect: You Never Get a Second Chance to Make a First Impression If you are lazy yet smart, try projecting your smartness before your laziness comes to light.
The Fresh Start Effect: How to Use New Beginnings to Persuade People Between Dec 28th and Jan 5th I’ve been getting daily emails from Headspace (the meditation app) to get on with their premium plan at a 40% discount. I’ve also been getting calls from that one Pilates class I had taken almost a year back. They are generous enough to offer me a 25% lifetime discount,